Sunday, May 23, 2010

Spymaster had to go ...

The New York Times reports on the "strained relationship between the White House and the departing spymaster Dennis C. Blair" ...

In recent months, Mr. Blair had also made a push to rein in covert activities carried out by the C.I.A., reflecting his view that the United States had become too enamored over stealth activities.

He even developed rules to guide policy makers before they approved a covert action. Among them were guidelines that covert activity should never be employed .for the purpose of circumventing a lack of U.S. public support for any particular overt policy,. according to one American official.

Officials said that some in the White House and C.I.A. bristled at Mr. Blair.s efforts to exert greater oversight over covert action. The reaction, they said, puzzled Mr. Blair, who had thought he had been given a degree of authority over these activities.

Former President George W. Bush'sfirst address to the General Assembly ofthe United Nations in New York Cityon November 10, 2001:

.Let us never tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories.

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posted by u2r2h at 4:58 PM


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