CIA funds Middle East Revolutions via NED
NEWS: The NED (National Endowment for Democracy), a CIA front organisation that tries to insert US-moles into foreign countries MUST be suspected of trying to steer the Arab uprisings.
The National Endowment for Democracy, or NED, is a U.S. non-profit organization that was founded in 1983 to promote US-friendly democracy by providing cash grants funded primarily through an annual allocation from the U.S. Congress.[1] Although administered as a private organization, its funding comes almost entirely from a governmental appropriation by Congress and it was created by an act of Congress. In addition to its grants program, NED also supports and houses the Journal of Democracy, the World Movement for Democracy, the International Forum for Democratic Studies, the Reagan-Fascell Fellowship Program, the Network of Democracy Research Institutes, and the Center for International Media Assistance. It has been accused by both right-wing and left-wing personalities of interference in foreign regimes, and of being set up to legally continue the Central Intelligence Agency's prohibited activities of support to selected political parties abroad. (wikipedia)
In an interview [MKD] for Vest daily, Ofelija Gadzevska-Sadek, a Macedonian living in Egypt, said that two leaders of the April 6 movement said on local TV that they'd been trained by Otpor! in Serbia. The main lesson by veteran activists, who helped overthrow Milošević in 2000, to the Egyptian protesters was: do not fall for provocations.!
Google-translation of serbian orginal text (below)
News Web News
I wanted to bebinjata you go Mubarak
Was terrible, especially the first five or six days, when the regime released 38,000 prisoners, with orders to steal, the palace and to create unrest. Police had not at all, the pressure and uncertainty were large
Egipḱanite were determined and prepared to last the eyelid blood to fight for to go simnat President Hosni Mubarak of government. Readiness go dotamu ispečateno and that he had instructions for the protests, as demonstrators to act when it would come in the center of Cairo on the now already slavniot plostad Tahrir, which in translation means freedom, raskažuva Makedonkata Ophelia Gadževska - Sadek, who is already 16 years living in Egypt . She is a professor at The American College in Cairo, pampered for Egypto pilot and has two Kerk.
On 25 February Egipḱanite I have started the revolution with which, other than the fall of Mubarak demanded better living conditions, higher salaries, greater human rights. By dvonedelni protests and clashes with the police, army and the supporters of Mubarak, the people succeeded in its intentions.
"They are, simply, were prepared in the SE. We are not in the first moments Mozevme to ocenime znaevme and how they are resolved that I isteraat work fully. At the beginning we were very disbursed, not izleguvavme from home. But then the ohrabriv and izlegov two days the protests. However, the pišuvaše history, and Morava odblisku vidam how to run the change in the egipetskoto society, "says Gadževska - Sadek.
On Tahrir square up with the big soočila organization. Neither the short story that had special entrances pomeǵu tolpata where they were pretresuvani especially cats, especially females. I was barana identity card to know who enters, and not allow to infiltrate a police officer or soldier of the regime.
"In Egypt the ID card I writes and occupation, and also vnimavaa not enter any police officer or one of the state security. Were organized in groups and you had luǵe, responsible for their motivation. Such inventiveness nemav dilihat the protests. For example, had such slogans on bebeški language to show that the bebinjata want Mubarak to you goes, "raskažuva Gadževska - Sadek.
The basis of the so called 18-day revolution or revolution of the youth lasted until 11 February, when Vice President Omar Suleiman announced that Mubarak is pulling back and I prefrla government of the Military Council. That has meant victory for the people, the victory of the revolution. Gadževska said that they were 18 days real Pekol, živeele closed, nothing worked, and the streets had troops and tanks.
"Peaceful demonstrations have started on 25 January. This is the Day of the police. Meǵutoa, the regime does not anticipate that it will be turned into a mass revolution. Simply, mislea to them ostavat laat you and go all this will pass away. But on Friday the 28 January is something that serves them razluti demonstrators. All communications other than the domestic telephone, were interrupted. Then Mubarak and come out with his statement that he wants to stay until the next elections, speaking charismatic that he does not want unrest. This division shall luǵeto. Then, I have started those conflicts Proxy demonstrators and followers of Mubarak, who were killed and most of the 365 luǵe how you take away this revolution, "raskažuva Gadževska.
She, though razmisluvala, at the last moment to Premislia and you have left from Egypt. Size, $ strand was to go I leave husband in Cairo, although the $ Velella you go with the children.
"Domestic purposes Ostanavme nine days. Izleguvavme not, and nothing raboteše. It was total paralysis. Shops, banks, nothing. Sreka the husband is a pilot, nor noses certain products. Hranevme Does the pasta. He was awful, especially the first five or six days, when the regime released 38,000 prisoners to the command to steal, the palace and to create unrest. The police had not at all, the pressure and uncertainty were huge, "says Gadževska - Sadek.
In Egypt it live from 1994, when a flight attendant to go briefed by John Elias - Sadek, a pilot with the first plane letal the MAT. Ottogaš the vklopila egipetskoto in society, for which says that it is specific and can be difficult to understand the luǵe of the Western world. According to it, this revolution precisely because of this and can not be predicted, but already several years in order to čuvstvuvalo tlee siromašniot discontent of the people.
"The revolution starts not so naednaš, it is čuvstvuvaše tleenje of dissatisfaction. Especially phrases two years ago, became very angry luǵeto, poor and angry, and said kefaja, which means a lot was already, we want change. Have begun to demand greater pay, little greater pay, because the average salary is 100 dollars per month. avtentično revolution was national. Above all, the social character, not political, although vklučija luǵe from all strata in society. Simply, luǵeto were prepared to die, but you leave on Mubarak " , considers Ophelia Gadževska
According to this, the Egipḱanite they came through the head as živeele in fear and social insecurity more than 30 years, ever since Mubarak is in power. Opišuva them to calm luǵe you are not interested in the policy, up to this revolution.
"By January, simply, razmisluvaa and talked about food, and education series. That which is not demonstrated, was the result of the fear that if it is not Mubarak, will be worse. Especially because the Western media who go opišuvaa Mubarak as a good ruler. In Egypt is famous proverb 'Ǵavolot you go Znaes is better than ǵavolot do not go Znaes'. tleeše Therefore, a long time and is this discontent was calm, "says Gadževska.
Part of the demands of the demonstrators were to abolish the irregular situation, which was introduced in 1981, the murder of President Anwar Sadat, then the freedom of the media, free and fair elections, against police brutality and, of course, the fight against corruption which, according Gadževska , is a system, not the incident in Egypt.
Rešavačko, according to her, the revolution was to win The Internet and the media. Gadževska, which is a magister in education and now lecturer in U.S. history high schools, and she worked previously as a correspondent for MTV and Sitel from Cairo, however, believes that the fact that the regime of Mubarak, in which the average age of the officials is about 70 years, I previdel moḱta on the internet.
"The whole communication of the demonstrators and the organizers was through the Internet. Therefore be organized and easy to top. Then there was already saved-easier because all were on the streets. Huge role play and 'Al Džezeira', which had maybe 30 cameras and on the face of what is went on. Even in the first few days had cases of other journalists and a media hook, how did CNN and Bi-Bi-Si to be napaǵani and to be odzemani camera, "says Gadževska - Sadek.
These days, it was in Skopje, as he said, the rest of the euphoria nastanata svedoštvoto of this historical event. Says that now in Egypt is spent phase of despair, and that led to revolution, and will cross in a phase of euphoria and hope.
"Euphoria now shall obzede site in Egypt. Now I feel the so called Nadege the revolution. Čistat Site on the streets, for example, the site is ready for hard work, though, and now has a greater variety of strikes for pay in the administration," explains Gadževska - Sadek.
She talks go ends with the analysis of the heirs of egipetskata government, saying that at the moment, except maybe Amar Musa, who is secretary of the Arab League, not even one harizmatičen, knowledgeable and clearly identifiable politician.
Demonstrators obučuvani of Serbian "Otpor"
Gadževska or short story and, seeing that one TV show, came to the finding that the demonstrators and the leaders of the revolution were obučuvani of members of the Serbian movement Otpor, which was a key for the lifting of the Free Miloševiḱ of government in 2000.
"The issue pokažuvaa members of the Movement April '6 '. Those were the two religious people with beards, which left for Serbia where, although not knowing angliski, the translator followed the lecture on how to organize a protest miroven. Serb with a certain name Srǵan, while they pokažuvaše some shots, as the mantra poveḱepati povtoruvaše that they certainly must not allow to be provoked. He objasnuvaše them to be grouped in order to be laid before the security forces, but a key, according to me, knowing the mentality to go arapskiot loess izbuvlivost , was to inform them that certainly must not allow to be provoked and to vozvratat "says Gadževska - Sadek.
With "Coca Cola" against solzavec
The instructions for protests had interesting moment that it is poželno demonstrators to have in džebot can with "Coca Cola". As it says Gadževska, it was necessary in case the military to cast a solzavec, the demonstrators to immediately izmijat obvious to the "Coca Cola", which has the ingredient that helps in such moments.
"Even the company that produces 'Coca Cola' vo Egypt they deles cans per demonstrators," says Gadževska, adding that this revolution was much assisted by the richer što izdvojuvale and 10 percent of their salaries to donate to food and other materials for demonstrators.
In the instructions pišuvalo and that before to come in Tahrir, demonstrators need to affix a number of newspapers under the clothes, so if you come to a riot and assault, newspapers to go udarot depreciation.
"I readily when I go to the protest, shall počituvav these things. Mazot me advised me to obleči modestly, by which vlegov in the center of the events for that I be witness to the change of history," says Gadževska - Sadek.
Darko Duridanski
The text is read 2022 times.
Вест веб вести
ОФЕЛИЈА ГАЏЕВСКА - САДЕК, МАКЕДОНКА СРЕДЕ РЕВОЛУЦИЈАТА ВО ЕГИПЕТ И бебињата сакаа да си оди Мубарак Беше страшно, особено првите пет-шест дена, кога режимот пушти 38.000 затвореници, со наредба да крадат, палат и да создаваат немири. Полиција воопшто немаше, притисокот и неизвесноста беа големи Египќаните беа решени и подготвени до последната капка крв да се борат за да го симнат претседателот Хосни Мубарак од власта. Подготвеноста одеше дотаму што имаше испечатено и упатство за протестите, како демонстрантите да се однесуваат кога ќе дојдат во центарот на Каиро на сега веќе славниот плоштад Тахрир, кој во превод значи слобода, раскажува Македонката Офелија Гаџевска - Садек, која веќе 16 години живее во Египет. Таа е професор на Американскиот колеџ во Каиро, мажена за египетски пилот и има две ќерки. Демонстрантите обучувани од српски "Отпор" Гаџевска ни раскажа и дека гледајќи една ТВ-емисија, дошла до сознанието дека демонстрантите, односно водачите на револуцијата биле обучувани од припадници на српското движење "Отпор", кое беше клучно за симнувањето на Слободан Милошевиќ од власта во 2000 година. Со "кока-кола" против солзавец Во упатството за протести имало интересен момент дека е пожелно демонстрантите да имаат во џебот лименка со "кока-кола". Како што вели Гаџевска, тоа било потребно во случај војската да фрли солзавец, демонстрантите веднаш да ги измијат очите со "кока-кола", која има состојка која помага во такви моменти. Дарко Дуридански |
Текстот е прочитан 2022 пати.
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